Category Archives: Partnerships

Community Environmental Outreach: The Green Star Model

The Declaration, Volume 2, Number 1 : Winter 1998  [Partnerships] by Kary Schumpert Northland College was founded in Ashland, Wisconsin in 1892. The small, regional institution offered undergraduate degrees with an emphasis on a liberal arts education. In 1972 Northland adopted its environmental mission, emphasizing both the academic curriculum and the institutional focus. The founding…Continue Reading

Rhodes Reaches Out for Socio-Environmental Change

The Declaration, Volume 1, Number 3 : September – December 1996  [Partnerships] Recovering from South Africa’s political turmoil and social transformation requires the participation of all sectors-academia, government, industry, and the community-in order to reconstruct and develop a stable, healthy environment. Universities play a pivotal role both in uniting stakeholders and in educating for sustainability…Continue Reading

CADISPA Empowers Communities in Europe

The Declaration, Volume 1, Number 2: May – August 1996  [Partnerships] What is the lifetime of an idea? What makes an organization sustainable? A community partnership program called CADISPA has been asking that question in rural settlements around Europe where it introduces ideas of sustainable development. Now, as its funding and administrative structures change, CADISPA…Continue Reading

CEED Networks for Success

The Declaration, Volume 1, Number 1: January – April 1996  [Partnerships] To create a successful link with their local community, students at the University of Sunderland School of the Environment in the UK found that they had to ask an obvious question: What does the community want? “It’s not enough just to guess what people…Continue Reading