Category Archives: Operations

Institutionalizing a Conservation Culture at RMIT

The Declaration, Volume 1, Number 3 : September – December 1996  [Operations] How does a university embody good environmental citizenship as an institution, develop environmentally responsible decision-making skills in its faculty, staff and students, and instill an ethic of ecologically sound behavior at the individual level? The Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT) in Melbourne, Australia,…Continue Reading

Positive Purchasing Power Gaining in U.S.

The Declaration, Volume 1, Number 2 : May – August 1996  [Operations] The expression “purchasing power” is a common one, but rarely is it used to mean anything more significant than getting a good price for a large group of consumers. Universities in particular often fail to realize the innovative ways they could use their…Continue Reading

Brown Takes one BIG Step for the Environment

The Declaration, Volume 1, Number 1: January – April 1996  [Operations] BIG, the acronym for “Brown is Green,” accurately describes Brown University’s campus-wide effort to reduce its environmental impact. The Providence, Rhode Island university, whose more that 6,500 students, 2,900 employees, 86 office buildings, and 41 dormitories produce more than 3,000 tons of solid waste…Continue Reading